Professional Horse Shoeing

Slide Show 1-13
Shoeing Tips On How To Keep Your Farrier Happy
Your responsibility before the appointment,
*Teach your horse to stand tied.
*Teach your horse that it is ok to pick up any leg for 2-3 minutes.
*Teach your horse to stand on three legs.
*Teach him not to lean, pull away, and jerk.
*Get your horse accustom to a spray bottle.
*This is your job not the farrier.
*This training should be done on a consistent basis so the horse can learn to trust the handler.
*These tips should be done well in advance of your appointment with the farrier.
Some suggestions to help you and your Farrier with your appointment.
*It is preferable to call and make your appointment for shoeing ONE week in advance.
*You can request to be put on a shoeing call list.
*Let the Farrier know what you want done. (Shoes, Trims, Who? )
*If your needs change before the farrier gets there, have the courtesy to call him
  and let him know so he can adjust his schedule.
*Do your horses have any special needs? Let your Farrier know when you make the appointment.
*Have your horses in an area that makes it easy for the farrier to catch them.
*Provide an area that is level, secure and shaded (if you can) with proper tying post.
*Horses Muddy?
*Groom your horses hindquarters and shoulders if they are muddy. Also "scrape" mud off the hooves,
  don't wash them with water. Dry clean hooves are best to work with.
Now for the Farrier visit
*Have plenty of fly spray on hand.
* You can offer to hold your young horse, but don't get offended if your offer is rejected.
* Don't make the Farrier ask for his fee. Promptly pay him when the shoeing is done.
* Ask him when the next shoeing will be scheduled.
We ask that you maintain a regular trimming and or shoeing cycle to avoid problems in the future.
If you are interested in having your horse shod on a six or eight week schedule
call Dale at 5095312581.
Providing Shoeing and Trimming Services for:
Richland, Kennewick, Pasco,
West Richland, Benton City,

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