
May 28, 2004
Susie and Dale,
Bob and I really enjoyed our visit with you, and look forward to seeing you again some time.
I am thrilled to have bought such a nice mare, and she has settled in just fine,
in fact she never made a peep and marched into the barn like she has been here her whole life.
I intend to keep you well informed and you will hear from us often.
Thanks again Rochelle
August 18, 2004
Hi Dale, and hello Suzy,
I just wanted to let you know that Desi (I nicknamed her Buffy)is doing wonderful she is picking up gaming patterns really quickly and really seems to be enjoying her job.
We are really getting along well. I have hauled her to a half dozen shows this year, just to get her used to the sites and sounds of the crowd etc and she is taking it all in stride.
I will be riding her at the Evergreen State Fair the first weekend of September and I know she will handle all the hub-bub without a hitch.
I am also wondering how busy Dale is these days, I have purchased a stallion who had 90 days professional training a few years ago and I would really like him to have some quality time put on him to get him tuned up.
He is a quiet, sensitive horse and I think Dale would do nicely with him. If you have time and are interested please let me know and I will scrape some money together and bring him over.
Thanks again for everything Rochelle Vos.