April 8, 2006
HI Susan and Dale,
I'm so glad I made the 5-hour trek to your place.
It was worth every minute.
Mac was a perfect angel in the trailer on the way home.
Never heard a peep or noise. Went to check on him, he was just eating.
Unloaded with ease. Put him a field, my hubby saying,
"I wouldn't do that! Mac will go threw the fence."
Mac just went to eating. Ahh, Rocky when is Mac going to run threw the fence?
I love it when I'm right and he's wrong.
Worked Mac the next day in my indoor arena.
The new surroundings didn't bother him.
Took Mac out for a trail ride 2 days later.
I have to eat some road to get to my trail head. A log truck came by with his jake brake on.
I expected a reaction from Mac. Nothing. He just stood there.
He was a pro on the trail. It was windy to boot.
I was excepting some kind of reaction, cause the terrain over here is so different than yours. I'm in the woods.
The only thing wrong, Mac has no shoes. The rocks hurt his feet.
I have to eat some gravel to get to my dirt trails. Howard, my farrier will be here Wednesday to put shoes on him.
I can't believe he's only 4. He acts like a season pro. What a good boy.
Thanks so much.
December 4, 2006
 Melanie & Mac |