
Dale and Suzy,
Bill has been enjoying Drifter every day this week on the trail.
Today we had a larger group of trail riders, lots of things going on at the trail head including a mini pony,
running horses, lots of barking dogs, don't forget the llamas and curious cattle...we rode up an alley to get
to the trail head in between all of that. Then off through the mud, running water, over logs, through the trees
in the front in the back in the middle...there is nothing like riding a broke, safe, quiet horse.
Drifter was younger than all of the other horses on the trail but he was one of the best.
Thank you both for helping us find the right horse and thank you Dale for your training program.
You build solid, safe, and willing partner.
Bill is nothing but smiles these days as he looks forward to the mountains this summer and introducing Drifter to cattle.
Can't wait to send more pictures!
Heather & Bill