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Bought: April 25, 2004
Truly Montana Cowboy ![]() Hi Folks, Just a quick note to let you know how Tanner is doing! Danielle took him to her 4H performance show last weekend and showed him in the green horse classes. In showmanship, Tanner took Reserve Grand Champ, in English Equitation, he took Grand Champ, and in Trail he took Reserve Grand Champ. Not too bad for the first show! Tanner and Danielle had so much fun too. You could tell they were just getting a kick out of the whole thing. Danielle will move him up to the regular classes at her June 13-14 show. The competition is very tough, but Danielle isn't thinking about ribbons. She just wants to challenge herself and Tanner and get him comfortable with the more difficult requirements. I attached a couple of photos of the show! This weekend we took the horses to Ancient Lakes and rode for about 3 hours. Tanner was perfectly comfortable and happy to be out and about. He likes being in front, but will allow others to go ahead of him. He did a super job and just doesn't let anything worry him. Today we went on a long trail ride in the sagebrush behind our house. My horse (a 7 year old paint) was afraid to go down a steep hill, and was starting to get upset, so Tanner and Danielle came back over and let us follow at Tanner's rump to get down it! Can you believe that? A 3 year old leading my wimpy 7 year old! We all just laughed over that. I also attached a picture of Danielle and Tanner at Ancient Lakes and a picture of me on my big paint "chicken". Danielle had her first "dirt sandwich" on Tanner a few days ago. We were on a trail ride and Tanner was standing there with Danielle on his back. Clear out of the blue he decided to reached around and bite her foot. He wouldn't let go and Danielle screamed and tried to kick her foot out of his mouth. He let go rapidly and her foot swung back and she accidently spurred him. Of course the one foot was out of the stirrup, so when he raced off she lost her balance and hit the dirt. Scamp and I got Tanner and my husband got Danielle. Danielle had a sore butt and bruised pride and Tanner looked totally confused by the whole thing! I think that would qualify as a "3 year old moment"! It didn't take long before Danielle was laughing about it. She jumped back on him and we continued on the ride! She sure loves that horse. I better close for now. You folks take care and keep in touch! Dominique
![]() Dear Dale and Susie, Just a quick note to give you the latest update on "Tanner". Danielle has been on that colt nearly every day. She has been riding him English and Western. She always starts out by lunging him in the round pen for a few minutes and then she gets right out and off she goes. They are doing so well together. The funniest part is when she comes home, off the school bus, Tanner just whinnies like crazy. He doesn't do that for the rest of us. Only Danielle. They have got quite a partnership developing. Danielle will take Tanner to his first show this weekend. She will show him in the 4H green horse classes. Depending how things go, she may move up to the regular classes for the June 4H show. We'll see. In the mean time, she and Tanner are having so much fun together and I've never seen Danielle so relaxed and confident. Tanner seems to really enjoy their times together too. We feel very blessed to have Tanner as part of the family. "Thank you" just doesn't seem to carry the heart felt appreciation we have for you both. Well, I better close for now. Take care and keep in touch. Dominique ![]() Dear Dale and Suzy, I just wanted to let you know that you all have been in my thoughts. Also I thought I'd give you a quick update on Ty. Things are going so well. Danielle calls him "Tanner" which she got from "Montana". She has been riding him everyday. She starts off in the round pen and then has been taking him out and about the fields and hills. Yesterday we took him to Tereesa's for a lesson. He handled it so well. Danielle rode him English and he was really working hard to figure it all out. It was wonderful. Those two have really bonded. He even whinnies when she leaves to go in the house! We are looking forward to a nice long trail ride together tomorrow. Tanner seems really settled in and relaxed. He's eating well, drinking lots of water and likes to lick the salt/mineral block! We put him out in the dry field yesterday just to give him a chance to race around on his own. He had a ball. He met our dogs. They don't get to close to the horses, but he seemed a little worried about them! He snorted, trembled a little and stretched his neck up high! It didn't take long for him to settle down though. Anyway, he's doing great and Danielle is really enjoying him. You folks take care and thank you again for everything. Dominique ![]() Hi Dale and Susan! I just wanted to drop you a short note to let you guys know that "Ty" is doing great. I rode him Sunday and Monday and he did absolutely wonderful. He already acts like he owns the place! I lunged and rode him for a little while in the round pen then when out on a trail ride (which he loved). He is very comfortable and has already fit in very well. He is definately a sweet heart! Well, everything is going great, and i'll e-mail you guys back soon and let you know how the sherriff's posse this coming weeked went. There should be an open arena so I'll just ride Ty in there and get him used to the fair grounds. Thanks again for everything! -Danielle Bracht ![]() Dear Dale and Suzy, Danielle and I want to thank you for the time you spent with us yesterday (Saturday) and for the time you spent with me on the phone (Friday), as I tried to explain my worries and thoughts on Tyger. I also really appreciate you taking the time to "evaluate" Tyger. You went way above the call of duty there!!! I was so please and so impressed with how you worked with him. You were firm, demanding and yet very fair and compassionate. I have no doubt that Tyger will benefit from being with you. He just seems to hate the arena. I felt so bad for Danielle and Tyger. He's unhappy, she's unhappy, and it is so sad. When Danielle was riding Ty out with you, Dale, she seemed so comfortable and at ease. She smiled and was having fun. She has high hopes for Ty, and she is genuinely convinced that she can do a lot of the training required for the arena out on the trail. She is also very determined to work with Ty consistently so that he continues to be willing and interested in trying new things. That's why she wanted to bring him home last night. She really likes Ty. I do know she is concerned about taking on a young horse... she wants to make sure she doesn't "ruin" him. I told her that the fact that she is concerned about doing the right thing for the horse gives me confidence that she will do just fine with the help of Tereesa and by calling you if she has questions. Thank you again for your kindness. Take care. Dominique © Copyright 2007-2015 Reproduction of any content in this web site is strictly prohibited. Web Site Designed and Maintained by www.naturesstudio.com |