Dale & Susan Cossman
 Dale and Dunny Susan and Skipper

Welcome to our website. Dale and I (Suzy) have lived in Washington State since 1983. We moved here from Kansas with our two children.
Since our move our family has grown to ten! We gained another son and daughter and four wonderful grandchildren, two boys and two girls.
We count it a blessing to live close to our children and grandchildren.
Dale's training program promotes quiet, gentle and easy-to-handle horses.
He puts into practice what he feels is essential for the horse and rider.
"To watch Dale ride is to see the rider and horse as one!
The fluid movements of Dale and his horse are beautiful to watch."
If you would like to read about his training philosophies, please click on the training button.
There you will find an article that was featured on “The Judges Choice” web site.
As for me.... I am a photographer and web designer.
I have always enjoyed taking a camera with me where ever I go.
And, as you can tell I also have a love of horse and nature photography!!
I have my gallery on line. Nature's Studio Gallery
And also on my FaceBook page Suzy Cossman Facebook
I hope you will take the time to visit my gallery and see what I have to offer.
Thanks for visiting our website.
The Cossmans,
P.S. We hope that you will take the time to drop us an email.
Or sign our guest book.
© Copyright 2006-2024 Sand Dunes Ranch
Reproduction of any content in this web site is strictly prohibited.
Web Site Designed and Maintained by Suzy www.sanddunesranch.com