

horsesDecember 6,2003
Hi Dale and Susan,
I saved a few pics, so you can delete Billy's page. He is such a doll! My daughter just fell in love with him.
He trots over to us whenever we go out back and call his name! He is so lovable, and loves to be groomed and loved on.
He spent alot of time Friday laying down basking in the Calif. sunshine, resting after the long trip. He was a little stocked up in the rear legs, so he is resting until Monday.
THEN we will go for a little ride in the round pen! I cant wait.
He is going to be gorgeous when he sheds out! I paste wormed him yesterday.
It was a little battle, but he is small enough to where even though he kept getting his head up, he couldnt get away from me. It was pretty funny.
He never got upset, just kept trying to spit it out!
Wish you had our weather. It was another gorgeous day here.
Very warm. I think Billy is really enjoying it! Not the flies though as the heat brings them out full force. We dont have horse flies, just the pesty little ones!

Will send pics soon!

Thanks for a wonderful little horse!


horsesDecember 31,2003
Here are some new pics of Billy and I.
He is such a wonderful young horse. A real sweetheart.
Can't wait until he sheds out in Spring, and we can see what a golden beauty he really is under all that
fur! I know you said he had never had electric clippers used on him before, but my trainer clipped his
entire face and head yesterday and he was perfect! She just loves him to death. She has nothing but
good things to say about him, and said you put a really nice foundation on him Dale! She is very
impressed that such a young horse has such a nice start already. My t! rainer lives right next to a small
airport that transports sky divers, and her arena is right in the flight path. Planes fly VERY low right
over it and Billy doesn't even notice it!
Thanks so much Susan and Dale for all your support, advice,
and genuine concern in helping Billy and I become a team. He is coming along so nicely, and I am
really excited to take him to our first horse show (gymkhana) in January and show him off! He is going
to start training on poles next week. With his athletic ability, he should do well. I will continue to
update you and send new pics as we progress. It's so nice to know I can count on you to always be
there to help when I get in a bind and don't have the answers. I only wish more horse people were like that.
Take care and Happy New Year!
Very Sincerely,
Kathy Ramsey and Billy!
horses  horses

Photos Courtesy of Kathy. Thank You!
horsesFebruary 7, 2004
Hi Dale and Susan.
I just typed out a long email to you, and my computer locked up and I lost it. Anyway, I will make this a shorter version.
Billy came home from the trainer Monday, and I rode him Tuesday, and today. It rained one day and I have been sick
since that day! Anyway, I actually rode him outside of the round pen in our field and he was great. His trot is a little rough,
but his lope in really nice. He is such a sweetie. I have been corresponding with his breeder, and they are a really nice young couple.
They sent me lots of photos of Billy and his mom from the time he was born until he was 2.
They gave me his entire history. I will attach a few photos they sent me. I also gave Billy his first bath today,
and he was very good. The trainer clipped his entire face area for me, aas well as his legs, and he never moved.
His nickname is Mr. Piggy because by tomorrow morning, he will be a mudball. He pees, then lays down in it as night,
and appears to! roll around in the wettest spot! Quite a character! He is not quite as spooky now, as he seems to be adjusting well.
He is our big pet!
Hope all is well with you both. Write when you get a chance!
Take care

horses Billy as a baby  horses

horses  Billy today.

Kathy, Thanks for the pictures!


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